Keller Williams Capital Properties - Nelson Fuentes

Why Hire Me To Sell Your Home?

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    Der geschätzte Wert deiner Immobilie liegt bei
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    • Für diese Immobilie liegen nur begrenzte Marktdaten vor
    • Landesgesetze beschränken die Offenlegung dieser Informationen
    • Diese Immobilie ist einzigartig und der Wert kann nicht geschätzt werden
    Denkst du über einen Verkauf nach?
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    Benötigst du einen Kostenvoranschlag?
    Nelson Fuentes kann detaillierte Marktdaten nutzen, um eine genaue Immobilienbewertung zu erstellen.
    Nelson Fuentes kann fachkundige Beratung bieten, die auf die Besonderheiten deines lokalen Marktes zugeschnitten ist.
    Nelson Fuentes kann detaillierte Marktdaten nutzen, um eine genaue Immobilienbewertung zu erstellen.
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    Market Preparation
    Find your Dream Home with a KW agent

    Find your Dream Home with a KW agent

    Andrea Rugg/Getty Images

    My goal when getting your property sold is to look at it from the buyer’s point of view and to get you to see what the buyer’s see. Whether that is having a pre-inspection to get ahead of the possible problems that could be in the property that could come up, or whether it’s simple tips and advice I can provide on how to quickly add value to the property or to freshen up your property with a neutral color to paint throughout or declutter & stage. As we start to think like the buyer we will be able to analyze the five factors that affect the pricing and the sale of a home: Size, condition, location, amenities, and features

    Pricing Strategies

    As a Realtor it is my duty to stay on top of all the market data and statistics. I am paying attention to what’s happening to the market as a whole but as well as what’s going on in your specific neighborhood so I can analyze & customize a pricing strategy that would work for your property. From a seller’s market, to a buyer’s market, to a balanced market knowing which market you’re in will affect the strategy we take when pricing your home I will keep you informed throughout and in which market we are in at that time. As your Realtor I will help you Identify a price at which to list your property to get top dollar in the shortest amount of time!


    I am big on communication when we met one of my goals is to figure out what, who, and where is the best form of contact between us. Whether it’s email, text, call, social media. I will be communicating and keeping you informed every step of the way if that is what you would want. From feedback, showing statistic, neighborhood competition, offers, website reports, to even general market updates or new state/local laws that could affect your listing. We will see what works for your schedule if you would like daily updates or weekly and once we get offers I will help you determine the in’s and out’s of what the terms mean and help you guide you to decide who will be the next owner of the property! My goal is the handle the sale of your property from start to finish not just list on the market!

    Customer Service

    When it comes to customer service I provide professionalism, expertise and market knowledge/experience that will exceed your expectations. My market center (Keller Williams Capital Properties in Rockville MD) has a full time marketing, tech, compliance, office admins., and accounting departments that help us as agents deliver exceptional service to all our clients. Keller Williams leads the real estate industry with agents worldwide, volume sold worldwide, and units sold worldwide, we are in our 40 countries as well. Keller Williams also offers their agents a lifetime worth of training from CE classes to learning from some of the best agents in the country and everyone here wants to see each other win. So you may be hiring me as your Realtor to handle and promote the sale of your home but you’re getting the support of the Leading brokerage in the real estate industry.

    Find your Dream Home with a KW agent

    Find your Dream Home with a KW agent

    What to expect when we met?

    You should expect to met with me at least twice before actually listing your property on the market. I will visit the property first to understand the condition, its features, and determine any possible improvements. We will discuss your needs, determine your motivation to sell, where you are moving, and what to expect during the entire process. The initial meeting will break the ice for both of us it will allow me to show case how I run my business and how we can work together to make sure we are a good fit, also allows me to get the information I need to analyze and determine the best price of your home. Once I have completed a comprehensive Comparative market analysis and a 4-way price analysis on your home based on the information gathered in the initial meeting, and have checked the competition and your local market we will get together again to determine the best strategy and price to sale your home for top dollar in the shortest time frame (desired time frame).

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